Oct 19, 20222 min

I Was Skeptical Of This Delay Spray; Here’s My Honest Review

When I started experiencing premature ejaculation, it was during a really stressful time in my life. Needless to say, adding PE to the mix definitely didn’t help with my anxiety. I was embarrassed (even though tons of men deal with it at some point in their lives) and I was really self-conscious in the bedroom even though my partner was understanding. I decided to make a doctor’s appointment to see if they would prescribe some meds to help the situation.

During my appointment, my doctor told me that PE is one of the most common issues he sees and that he has a lot of luck treating it. “Great,” I thought, “Prescribe me some pills so I can be on my way.” But rather than take out his prescription pad, he started telling me about a spray that can help you last longer in bed. Really? A spray? I was skeptical. And I started thinking of all the reasons I’d rather just take medicine.

But he was pretty adamant... Delay Spray from Promescent is recommended by over 2,200 Urologists (my doctor included) as a first-line therapy for their patients dealing with PE. He said that Delay Spray desensitizes the areas you use it on, allowing you to enjoy more intimate and longer-lasting sex without the potential side effects of prescription treatments. Plus, he told me that when used as directed, the Delay Spray won’t transfer to your partner and they may not even know you’re using it.

“Ok, fine. I’ll try it. But when it doesn’t work, can I come back and get a prescription?” I asked. He laughed and said he didn’t think that would be necessary. I ordered the Delay Spray from the Promescent website when I got home and did some more research. I won’t lie, the reviews were impressive. I was still skeptical but was more willing to give it a shot.

When my order arrived, I was excited and sort of nervous to try it out. I applied 3 sprays and waited about 15 minutes for it to be fully absorbed. I won’t go into too much detail, but I’ll just say that I won’t be going back to the doctor for a prescription. I was able to last twice as long as before and my partner definitely enjoyed herself more as well. Her exact (breathless) words were, “Wait, what just happened?” I felt closer to her and was able to actually enjoy the experience instead of holding back the whole time. Of course, I needed to make sure it wasn’t a fluke, so I used the spray again the next night with similar results.

For any guys dealing with PE, Promescent’s Delay Spray is the real deal. Order it today. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

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